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Upper Valley Towns

Upper Valley

"Gateway to the Upper Valley Region"

Supporting & Promoting Business in Our Upper Valley Community
P. O. Box 697 - White River Junction, Vermont 05001 - Tel: (802) 295-6200*
Fax: (802) 295-3779

The mission of the regional Upper Valley Chamber of Commerce is to promote visibility of the area businesses in the "twin state upper valley region" as a whole.  Furthermore, we provide services and promote communication and cooperation among our business people. 

The Upper Valley Chamber of Commerce, in its on-going efforts to create a sense of a cohesive Community within the Upper Valley is encouraging its Chamber Membership to be supportive of one another as we all endeavor to grow and succeed in business.

If you are in need of supplies, something for the home, medical services, or just a night on the town, the Chamber encourages you to patronize fellow members who offer such services to our community. If you have an occasion to make a referral or direct a tourist to accommodations, please think about promoting a fellow member first.

We need to turn to one another to increase the value of Upper Valley Chamber membership.  Take the opportunity, when traveling the further regions of our Upper Valley Community, to stop in and say "Hi" to your fellow chamber members. Let them know who you are and the services you offer! These actions aid you in taking full advantage of "Networking and Referrals" in true Chamber fashion. Promoting Fellow Upper Valley Chamber Members, amongst one another and to those newly encountered, truly enhances the value of your Membership.


Catherine Carter, President & Chair
George Schmid, Round Barn Shoppe
Heather Harris, Bryan Investments
George Sumner, Work 4-U
Thomas Guild, Toy Box Specialties

Special Thanks to NHVT Computer Services, Corp for maintaining and hosting the web site.

Please contact us if you are interested in participating or serving on the Board of Directors.

Contact the Chamber or see information about  membership.


© Copyright 2003-2023, Upper Valley Chamber of Commerce, All Rights Reserved.
Site Updated and Maintained by NHVT Computer Services, Corp.